Government Announces New Funding Model for ACCHS
The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) welcomed the Budget announcement of a new needs based funding formula model for the Indigenous Australians’ Health Program (IAHP). Although this new model requires further refinement, feedback and work.
This new model for our 144 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS) provides funding for our primary health care services and now excludes 7 inconsistent data points related to NKPIs.
NACCHO Chair Mr John Singer believes ‘that funding certainty is critical to ACCHSs achieving good health outcomes. It is important to strengthen and expand ACCHS role as primary care providers in our communities as there will be 1 million Aboriginal people 2030,’ said Mr Singer.
Mr John Singer called on the government to ensure there was no adverse impact on our Model of Care. NACCHO welcomes the 5-year funding agreements and grandfathering arrangements under this new model.
NACCHO welcomes the new money for preventing and treating complex chronic health conditions such as Eye disease ($34.3 million) hearing loss ($30.0 million) and crusted scabies ($4.8 million). Acknowledges the new investment in remote renal services and infrastructure with a MBS item for dialysis. Also, the $105.7 over four years to deliver additional residential aged care places and home care packages in remote Indigenous communities.
The Government has advised that the new funding model can be varied up to July 2019 and NACCHO will continue work in consultation with the Funding Model committees.
Aboriginal controlled health services provide about three million episodes of care each year for about 350,000 people and employ about 6,000 staff.
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NACCHO Media contact Julian Fitzgerald 0413 982 224.