COVID-19 Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
NACCHO has developed some COVID-19 specific graphics to help promote healthy messaging to help STOP the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease in our communities.
If you would like to use any NACCHO graphics relating to COVID-19, please ensure NACCHO is tagged/mentioned and images are not cropped or altered from its original.
NACCHO will work to ensure that there are accurate links to relevant graphics created by our members and affiliates for public use. If you would like to add your graphics to this page, please contact our team.
When talking about COVID-19 for Aboriginal communities on social media we encourage you to use the following hashtags:
- #OurjobProtectOurMob
- #AboriginalHealthinAboriginalHands
- #StoptheSpread
- #KeepOurMobSafe
Tag the NACCHO social media accounts: Facebook – NACCHO Aboriginal Health Australia, Twitter – NACCHOAustralia and Instagram – naccho_aus