NACCHO’s position paper on Aboriginal male health (2010) describes the key policy areas and programmes NACCHO has documented that should be developed in male health. These include physical health, strong minds, brother care, healing and men’s business, as well as Aboriginal male health workforce development.
This Position Paper states Aboriginal male health should be a core primary health care service provided by Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs). NACCHO as a cultural organisation has always supported appropriate gender-based approaches to health service provision, which fits within the current approaches of primary health care service, quality and research and evaluation.
All too often Aboriginal male health is approached negatively, with programmes only aimed at males as perpetrators. Examples include alcohol, tobacco and other drug services, domestic violence, prison release, and child sexual abuse programs. These programmes are vital, but are essentially aimed at the effects of males behaving badly to others, not for promoting the value of males themselves as an essential and positive part of family and community life.
To address the real social and emotional needs of males in our communities, NACCHO proposes a positive approach to male health and wellbeing that celebrates Aboriginal masculinities, and uphold our traditional values of respect for our laws, respect for Elders, culture and traditions, responsibility as leaders and men, teachers of young males, holders of lore, providers, warriors and protectors of our families, women, old people, and children.
NACCHO’s approach is to support Aboriginal males to live longer, healthier lives as males for themselves. The flow-on effects will hopefully address the key effects of poor male behaviour by expecting and encouraging Aboriginal males to be what they are meant to be.
In many communities, males have established and are maintaining men’s groups, and attempting to be actively involved in developing their own solutions to the well documented men’s health and wellbeing problems, though almost all are unfunded and lack administrative and financial support.
To assist NACCHO to strategically develop this area as part of an overarching gender/culture based approach to service provision, NACCHO decided it needed to raise awareness, gain support for and communicate to the wider Australian public issues that have an impact on the social, emotional health and wellbeing of Aboriginal Males. It was subsequently decided that NACCHO should stage a public event that would aim to achieve this and that this event be called “NACCHO Ochre Day”.
The NACCHO Board of Directors, under the leadership and advice of both Mr John Singer (NACCHO Board Member) along with the support of Mr Justin Mohamed (NACCHO Chairperson) and Ms Lisa Briggs (NACCHO CEO) the NACCHO Board of Directors endorsed the second “NACCHO Ochre Day” to be held in Brisbane over two days on the 21-22 August 2014.
NACCHO Ochre Day commenced with a Male only breakfast held in the Dining Room at the “Royal on the Park Hotel”. This breakfast began with MC Associate Prof James Ward introducing a “Welcome to Country” by Uncle Des Boyd followed by the traditional dancers “Kalu-Yurung” (Fast Rain). On behalf of NACCHO, Mr Justin Mohamad (NACCHO Chairperson) welcomed all 160 delegates to the second NACCHO Ochre Day. This was followed by a celebration of current Aboriginal Male Health programmes presented by Mr Bernard Kelly-Edwards, Galambila Aboriginal Health Service Inc., Mr Cameron Harris, Wuchopperen Health Service, and Mr Leaf Bennet, Institute for Urban Indigenous Health.
At the conclusion of the breakfast all Delegates gathered in the Botanic Gardens across the road from the hotel to prepare for the walk to Musgrave Park. The Walk proceeded through the Gardens and up onto the “Goodwill Bridge” and over the Brisbane River. The walk stopped for five minutes at the half way point of the bridge, during which there was a minute’s silence to remember our Brothers that are no longer with us. This was followed by the playing of a didgeridoo and clap-sticks. The walk then continued up into Musgrave Park.
NACCHO Ochre Day celebrations continued with lunch at Musgrave Park. Presentations were delivered by invited speakers, Mr Keiran Wiggins (Keiran is a graduate of the Gold Coast Titans Rugby League Club’s Young Ambassador Program), and Dr Ngiare Brown, this continued the Ochre Day tradition of inviting a Female speaker to speak during lunch. Rugby League legend Mr Preston Campbell gave delegates an insight into his football career; Preston also spoke about depression and the work that he is now involved in, raising awareness of this topic in Aboriginal Communities.
NACCHO Ochre Day Dinner was held for the first time this year and included the “Jaydon Adams Memorial Oration”. This first Oration was delivered by Mr Trent Adams, Jaydon’s younger brother. Trent spoke eloquently about his Brother Jaydon’s work in Aboriginal health. Trent also spoke about the importance of addressing Aboriginal Male health issues especially if we want to Close the Gap.
A highlight of the dinner was the handing over of the “NACCHO Ochre Day Shield” by Ms Lizzy Adams, the QAIHC Chairperson to Mr John Singer the AHCSA Chairperson. Mr Singer assured everyone that the AHCSA would hold the NACCHO Ochre Day Shield in safe keeping until NACCHO Ochre Day 2015 which will be held in Adelaide. Mr Singer also committed AHCSA to work with NACCHO to deliver a bigger and better NACCHO Ochre Day in Adelaide in 2015.
On the second day, at the Gabba Cricket Ground, delegates were asked to workshop the 10 points of the NACCHO Male Health “Blueprint” that will inform the development of the “Action/Implementation Plan” which will support the “Blueprint”.
Day Two also brought together some of the male workforce in ACCHOs. This provided an opportunity for networking, to share workforce experiences and activities and reinforce their value to one another, the ACCHO sector, their families and communities.
Finally, NACCHO would like to thank Mark Saunders, convenor, and acknowledge here that NACCHO Ochre Day held in Brisbane this year could not have been the success that it was if not for the commitment, both financial and in-kind, from QAIHC, IUIH and Oxfam.