15 March, 2022

Data Officer

The Mappa Data Officer reports to, and is directly accountable to, the Mappa Platform Manager. This position is responsible for providing data entry and administrative support to the Mappa Platform.The Mappa Platform is a free-to-use online mapping platform that works to help Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people and their communities to better-access health services as close as possible to family, home and country. The consultation, design and development of Mappa has been driven by cultural considerations and made possible through collaboration with the whole of the WA health sector.This position will primarily be focussed on undertaking accurate and efficient data entry, which is transferable into useable formats for the Mappa platform. The role will also work alongside the Mappa Team to identify any data overlaps, gaps and linkages to improve the usability of the platform.A copy of the job advert, including Position Description and Selection Criteria, can be found by accessing the following link: https://applynow.net.au/jobs/AHCWA1182
