COVID-19 Primary Healthcare Guidance


Updated: 27 January 2021

Managing mild covid-19 in the home: Considerations and recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities - A rapid evidence summary

Appendices – Download

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Updated: 14 December 2020

What are the key considerations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members who need to travel outside their community for healthcare or other

Updated: 7 December 2020

How do you assess and manage risk of severe COVID-19 illness in primary healthcare

Updated: 16 September 2020

What needs to be considered to support someone to meet requirements of isolation and quarantine?

Updated: 16 September 2020

What social and emotional wellbeing and mental health care/support is needed forhealth care workers (HCWs) in the context of COVID-19?

Updated: 16 September 2020

COVID-19 in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with chronic suppurative lung disease (CSLD) - Guidance for primary care

Updated: 11 September 2020

How do health care workers minimise their risk of acquiring infection and of spreading infection between patients while physically examining a patient with respiratory symptoms?

Updated: 26 June 2020

What quarantine measures are required for healthcare workers travelling from higher prevalence areas to low prevalence areas?

Updated: 26 June 2020

What quarantine measures are required for healthcare workers travelling to remote communities?

Updated: 26 June 2020

What is best practice when transporting patients who do not have confirmed or probable SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19):

  • without fever or respiratory symptoms?
  • with fever or respiratory symptoms?

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Process for development and release of recommendations


Practical application of best available evidence to guide prevention and management of COVID-19 in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations that:

  • is a priority for clinicians providing services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • is not addressed in other national guidelines
  • is actionable by primary health care services.

Expert Committee and Executive Group

Expert Committee and Executive Group
An Expert Committee has been formed to guide this work:

Dr Tanya Schramm (Chair) Dr Kate Armstrong
Professor James Ward Dr Marianne Wood
Adjunct Professor Mark Wenitong Mr Karl Briscoe
Professor David Peiris Dr Paul Burgess
Ms Vicki Wade Professor David Atkinson
Dr Rob James


Executive Group:

Dr Mary Belfrage Dr Jason Agostino
Dr Katie Thurber Dr Tim Senior
Ms Leanne Bird Assoc Prof Catherine Chamberlain
Kate Freeman – Coordination and Secretariat support