16 February, 2022

Sexual Health Promotion Officer (Syphilis)

The Sexual Health Promotion Officer directly reports to the Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses Program Coordinator and is accountable to the Executive Manager Public Health and CQI. The position is primarily responsible for increasing awareness in prevention and testing for Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI’s) and Blood Borne Viruses (BBV’s), with a particular focus on syphilis in Aboriginal people in Western Australia. In accordance with the Fifth National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STI and BBV Strategy 2018 – 2022. The incumbent will work closely with the Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (AHCWA) Member Services to provide a targeted regional response to reduce stigma, increase awareness, and improve testing rates to reduce the transmission rates of STI’s and BBV’s among Aboriginal people.Applications are due: Fri 25 February 2022, 12AM
