NACCHO supports the My Health Record initiative but calls on government to guarantee a patient’s privacy
Mr John Singer, Chairperson of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) said today that they, ‘endorse and supported the My Health Record system initiative provided patient information and privacy is protected. The patient is in control of what information is placed in their electronic record and who else has access to it. I want an assurance from the Health Minister that all patient records are protected and if that requires further legislation then so be it.’
Mr Singer noted electronic health records have been operating in the NT for over the last decade without any problems. In remote areas patient medical records travels electronically with a patient.
Mr Singer said that ‘clinicians now have easy access to life saving information, which is especially vital if they are in acute care, for allergies, medications, scan results, up to date records of all visits by a patient to their own community controlled clinic, regional hospital or interstate emergency departments.’
My Health Record has widespread support not only from NACCHO but also from national health and consumer peak bodies that are aligned with NACCHO including the Australian Medical Association (AMA), Consumer Health Forum (CHF) and Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).
Many of these organisations have now publicly requested that Health Minister Hunt review the privacy legislation and ensure that there is no way of access to the system for anyone other than the nominated people by the patient.
NACCHO Media contact Julian Fitzgerald 0413 982 224.