The 2025 NAIDOC Local Grants Opportunity provides funding to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous organisations to contribute to the costs of local and regional NAIDOC activities across Australia that align with the 2025 theme The next generation: strength, vision and legacy.
This funding round aims to support activities being held during national NAIDOC Week 2025 (6-13 July) that celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, achievements and continuing contributions to our country and society.
Location: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closes: Thurs 20 February 2025
Agency: NIAA
This program provides consortia with funding to develop quantum technology solutions or a component(s) that contribute to a solution for market-led challenges of national significance. Solutions may also involve the use of other advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence & robotics.
The challenges are:
- Challenge 1:Â Improve biosecurity outcomes by enhancing the detection of invasive pests or diseases, and cargo inspection processes.
- Challenge 2:Â Improve life expectancy, health outcomes and access to health technology for First Nations peoples.
- Challenge 3:Â Optimise transport routes, logistics and supply chain operations.
- Challenge 4:Â Optimise the performance, sustainability, and security of energy networks.
Location: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closes: Wednesday 26 Feb 2025
Agency: Department of Industry, Science and Resources
People with dependent children were identified as a priority population group in the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug ‘ice’ & this grant (up to $1,424,250) addresses a service gap for this population through a service that provides:
- an opportunity for:
- people (regardless of gender) with children who have not been able to achieve or maintain their treatment goals in non-residential settings to undertake residential rehabilitation treatment
- children to remain with their parents in a supportive environment
- families with holistic, non-judgemental, empathic, trauma-informed & family-inclusive care
- treatment for clients that incorporates positive parenting and relationship strengthening between clients & their children
- the safe transition of clients into the community or into appropriate services following the completion of the residential rehabilitation program
Eligibility: NGOs that are already providing AOD residential rehabilitation for people (couples and/or single people regardless of gender) with children.
Location: NSW
Closes: Wednesday 12 March 2025
Agency: NSW Health
If you have a project to support men’s places, you can apply for a grant of up to $10,000 per applicant.
You can use the grant to support a range of activities such as:
- information sessions
- skills development
- health and wellbeing programs
- education and peer-to-peer support programs
- parenting programs and equipment.
Location: NT
Closes: Monday 31 Mar 2025
Agency: NT Department of People, Sport & Culture
A Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) grant opportunity anticipated to open in the 1st Quarter 2025 with funding available from 2025‒2026. The 2025 Health Technology Assessment was previously forecast as 2024 health Technology Assessment (2nd grant opportunity in 2024). The forecast timing depends on advice from independent expert panel.
The proposed grant opportunities align with investments outlined in the MRFF 3rd 10-year Investment Plan (2024–25 to 2033–34).
This grant information has been sourced from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care MRFF grant opportunities calendar available here.
Location: National
Closes: anticipated to be end 1st Quarter 2025
Grant Type: Research
Agency: Department of Health & Aged Care
Indigenous Health. Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters via Home Tutoring (HIPPY).
Eligibility criteria for HIPPY includes: children who are turning 4 yrs by 30.6.25 & live in Inala or surrounding suburbs. 75% of our enrolled families have to meet 1+ additional criteria: hold a health care card; child is Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander; child resides in out of home care; no income or receiving government support as main source of income; single parent families; main language spoken at home is not English.
Location: QLD
Closes: Mon 30 June 2025
Grant Type: Indigenous Health
Agency: QLD Government
This grant opportunity seeks to ensure all Australian’s living with cancer have access to high-quality & culturally safe support throughout their cancer experience. This grant opportunity will prioritise activities that focus on increasing equity across tumor types and/or priority populations. The Cancer Patient Support Program will support, one-off, time-limited activities that provide national leadership on emerging priorities across the cancer control continuum.
Location: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closes: Fri 1 August 2025
Grant Type: Health
Agency: Department of Health and Aged Care
Financial assistance grants to support medical research & medical innovation projects that develop:
- consumer-informed approaches to generating and/or incorporating:
- consumer/patient data across the health technology assessment lifecycle of (1) medicines or vaccines; or (2) medical devices
- (3) patient reported outcomes into the assessment of the long-term safety & efficacy and/or the material safety & biocompatibility of implantable devices.
- (4) scalable approaches to evaluating the long-term effectiveness of highly specialised therapies emerging medicines, or medicine-related health technologies, including the incorporation of patient reported outcomes
Location: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closes: Wed 23 July 2025
Grant Type: Research
Agency: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
The Celebrating Reconciliation Grants Program encourages all Queenslanders to participate in National Reconciliation Week and commemorate two significant milestones in our national history the successful 1967 Referendum and the 1992 High Court Mabo decision. Funds are provided to Local Councils & community groups to host events celebrating reconciliation during National Reconciliation Week 2022 (27 May – 3 June).
Location: QLD
Closes: TBC
Agency: QLD Government
This grant opportunity was announced by the Australian Government 8.2.24 as its enduring resolution for people impacted by the collapse of the funeral insurance provider, the Youpla Group. The Youpla Group entered liquidation in March 2022, leaving many people without cover, inflicting significant cultural, emotional & financial harm on many First Nations people & communities. The Youpla Support Program will provide a Resolution Payment to Eligible Persons to help them recover from this harm.
Location: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closes: Tues 30 June 2026
Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency
The Home Interaction Program for Parents & Youngsters via Home Tutoring (HIPPY Program) grants are for children who are turning 4 years by the end of June 2025 & who live in Inala or surrounding suburbs. The program has a priority of access – 75% of enrolled families have to meet one or more of these criteria:
- hold a health care card –
- child is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- child resides in out of home care
- no income or receiving government support as main source of income
- single parent families
- main language spoken at home is not English
Location: QLD
Closes: TBC
Agency: QLD Government
Aboriginal Responsive Skilling Grants provide funding for regional & remote communities to train workers for projects in the community. Training can either be accredited or non-accredited.
Funding priority is given to applicants located in regional and remote areas. Participants will finish their training with:
- increased or improved work skills
- better employment pathways or opportunities
- nationally recognised qualifications.
This funding may cover the entire cost of training for people looking for work, or up to 50% of the cost for training existing workers.
Location: NT
Closes: Always Open
Agency: NT Department of Industry, Tourism & Trade
Funding is available to support projects that give people practical skill to help them gain employment, with priority is given to programs that lead to employment in:
- occupations with skills shortages
- hard to fill occupations
Location: NT
Closes: Always Open
Agency: NT Government
The BHP WA Community Grants program enables positive community, environmental & economic development initiatives in BHP’s host communities that their operatives, employees & their families call home.Â
Locations: WA only
Opens/Closes: Refer Agency’s website
Grant Type: Community
Max. Grant: $20,000
Eligibility: WA Community Grants program supporting Port Hedland, Newman, Kalgoorlie, Kambalda, Leinster, Leonora, Wiluna & Kwinana.
Agency: BHP
This program aims to support procedural GPs who work in rural & remote areas to:
- improve or extend current skill levels
- ensure they have the skills to provide high-quality services
- comply with the professional development requirements of their GP college.
This helps ensure people in rural & remote areas have access to highly skilled health professionals. Helps cover the cost of professional development for procedural general practitioners (GPs) who work in rural & remote areas. The RPGP provides grants of up to $32,000 to rural GPs and locums who provide procedural services. This helps with the cost of attending continuing professional development activities, to maintain or increase their procedural & emergency medicine skills (including emergency mental health).
Locations: National
Opens: Always open
Grant Type:Â Health
Max. Grant: $32,000
Co-contribution: Not specified
Eligibility: Must be a GP working in a MMM 3-7 region. Please see section 6 of the Guidelines.
Agency: Department of Health and Aged Care
Grant funding to support research projects led by an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researcher. The intended outcomes of the grant being an expanded knowledge base and research capacity in Australia; and economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits for Australia.
Location: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closes: Thurs 20 February 2025
Grant Type: Research
Agency: Department of Health & Aged Care
Community organisations & businesses can apply for funding to deliver events & activities during Seniors Month which runs in August each year across the NT.
Event must:
- celebrate older people and their continuing contribution
- encourage older people to live healthy and active lifestyles all year round
- demonstrate that older age can be a time of learning and adventure.
Location: NT
Applications Open: Mar 2025
Agency: NT Government
This Research Grant Program 2024/25 to 2026/27 provides funding for research activity that will contribute to improving end of life & palliative care services for patients, carers, & families in NSW.
Up to $2.7m over three years is available for research that responds to Research Grant Program priorities & demonstrates potential to be translated into policy and practice, with broad benefits across NSW.
Recipients of the funding will conduct research in the following priority areas:
- pharmacological and non-pharmacological symptom management for patients
- collaborative care models to improve patient, carer, family and community experiences and outcomes
- culturally and socially inclusive care for Aboriginal, CALD and LGBTIQ+ patients, carers, families & communities
- psychosocial support for grief, loss & bereavement for patients, carers, families & communities.
Location: NSW
Closes: Sunday 23 March 2025
Agency: NSW Health
The Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) is the Australian Government’s flagship disaster risk reduction initiative which will fund a diverse set of projects in partnership with states & territories to deliver medium-term & long-term national outcomes. Round Three will provide up to $200m in 2025-26 to build on the experiences & outcomes of 1 & 2.
To be eligible project must:
- have the primary purpose of increasing understanding of disaster impacts, building resilience to future disasters and/or reducing disaster risk
- be risk informed, aligned with plans a& priority targeted
- target one or more eligible natural hazard types
- involve one or more eligible activity types in the built, social, natural and/or economic domains
- deliver ‘enduring benefits’ for a community or communities at risk of being affected by future disasters, in an eligible location
Queensland State Agencies, non-government organisations, First Nations organisations, peak bodies, local governments & community groups are eligible to apply for funding.
Location: QLD
Closes: Wednesday 2 Apr 2025
Agency: QLD Government – Queensland Reconstruction Authority
The grant provides financial support to young people, community groups and organisations enabling young Territorians to engage and participate in a variety of drug and alcohol free recreational events, personal development and leadership programs.
Location: NT
Closes: Tues 1 June 2025
Grant Type: Youth Engagement
Agency: NT Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
MRFF 2024 Rapid Applied Research Translation
The 2024 Rapid Applied Research Translation Grant Opportunity is part of the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) & the Rapid Applied Research Translation Initiative. The grant supports the translation of research evidence into clinical practice & better quality of care for patients by encouraging collaborations between academic researchers, health service providers, consumers & other end users on projects to improve health care delivery, service & systems sustainability.
Location: National
Applications Open: 10 February 2025
Closing Date: 7 July 2025
Grant Type: Research
Agency: Department of Health & Aged Care
The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Global Health Initiative grants:
- aim: to develop knowledge & tools for addressing threats to Australia’s national health security from regional & global challenges
- objective: financial assistance to support medical research & medical innovation projects that, through co-design with consumers & health services, develop scalable & sustainable interventions to mitigate the impact of climate change on Australians’ mental health
- intended outcome: to improve the health & wellbeing of Australians by addressing the mental health impacts of climate change
Location: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closes: Wed 23 July 2025
Grant Type: Research
Agency: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
Grants that address a need for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, developed with the target community or group who will be impacted by the activity. This funding can be used where a need has been identified in the community & there are no other current funding avenues available.
Location: NT, QLD, SA, WA
Closes: Tues 30 December 2025
Grant Type: NIAA
Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency
Grants are to promote self-determination & economic self-sufficiency of Aboriginal people living in the NT & promote their social &cultural wellbeing. The NTAIC Grants Program aims to ensure:
- funding is provided to Aboriginal people in the NT.
- NTAIC Grants maximise strategic opportunities & drive economic, social & cultural outcomes.
There are two streams – General Grants & Innovation Grants.
Locations: NT
Opens: “Mid 2024”
Closes: TBC
Grant Type: Various
Max. Grant:Â General Grants – $500,000 per year (up to $1.5m over three years).
Innovation Grants – $10m
Co-contribution: Not specified
Eligibility: Indigenous Organisations in the NT
Agency: NTAIC
Gambling amelioration grants in the NT provide funding to support the promotion of community awareness and education in respect of problem gambling. Funding can also include counselling, rehabilitation and support services for problem gamblers and their families.
Funding depends on budget availability & the relative merit of applications. Organisations applying for the grant must be an NT based non-profit community organisation.
Location: NT
Closes: TBC
Agency: NT Department of Tourism & Hospitality
The Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) provides funding for organisations to help them undertake projects or activities which promote equal opportunities for Indigenous Australians.
The IAS is aimed at improving the lives and outcomes for Indigenous Australians in 5 key areas:
- jobs, land and economy
- children and schooling
- safety and wellbeing
- culture and capability
- remote Australia strategies.
The Government has committed $5.2 billion over 4 years to the IAS.
The IAS will direct grant funding towards national priorities as well as the needs of Indigenous communities & regions.
Location: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closes: TBC
Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)
f you’re an Aboriginal student in your first year of an undergraduate health degree, you can apply for the Northern Territory (NT) Health Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
Five scholarships worth up to $5,000 each are available to eligible students who are studying:
- any bachelor degree within the field of health or
- a bachelor degree that has a pathway leading to a health occupation such as a registered nurse, midwife or pharmacist.
Location: NT
Closes: Always Open
Agency: NT Department of Health
Lotterywest is the only lottery in Australia to directly support causes through a grants program. Lotterywest offers grants to not-for-profit organisations & local government authorities, to support communities (& their inspiring projects) to make WA an even better place to live.
Lotterywest grants provide funds across 5 priority areas:
- Inclusive thriving community
- Connected cultural experiences
- Protected sustainable ecosystems
- Smart innovative society
- Active healthy people
Location: WA
Closes: Always Open
Agency: Lotterywest
Supports those making a difference in the area of mental health.
Locations: National
Opens: Always open
Grant Type: Mental Health
Max. Grant: $300,000 per year for 3 years
Co-contribution: Not specified
Eligibility: Must be a registered charity based in Queensland.
Agency: Mental Awareness Foundation
Assists any Indigenous corporation whose property has been directly affected by a declared natural disaster, such as a flood, bushfire, or cyclone. The funding can be used for immediate clean up of property, work to make property safe & purchase plant & equipment to assist with recovery efforts.
Locations: National
Opens: Always open
Grant Type: Health
Max. Grant: $20,000
Eligibility:Â Indigenous corporations (incorporated) may be eligible for assistance through the program if:
- Their property is within a State or Territory declared natural disaster area.
- They require immediate assistance to make their property safe to access.
Agency: Indigenous Land & Sea Corporation
Tips and Tricks
Writing a successful grant proposal often requires a strategic approach which communicates your organisation’s mission, needs, and goals in a clear and compelling way. To help you write a winning grant proposal, here are some tips and tricks to consider:
- Understand the funder’s priorities: Research the funder’s priorities, goals, and outcomes to ensure your project aligns with them. Review their previous grant awards and current guidelines to understand what they’re looking for. Consider whether it’s worth investing time and energy by applying for grants which may not be in alignment with what your project wants to do.
- Develop a compelling narrative: Tell a story that connects your organisation’s mission and goals to the funder’s priorities. Use data, statistics, and examples to support your narrative and make it convincing. However, be careful to ensure you still answer the questions.
- Focus on outcomes and impact: Show how your project will make a difference and achieve specific outcomes. Include metrics and evaluation plans to demonstrate the impact of your work.
- Craft a clear and concise budget: Develop a detailed budget that is easy to understand and aligns with the funder’s requirements. Clearly articulate how the funds will be used and how they align with your project goals.
- Build strong partnerships: Build partnerships with other organisations and stakeholders to strengthen your proposal and increase your chances of success. Highlight the strengths and expertise of your partners and how they will contribute to the success of your project.
- Avoid common pitfalls: Avoid common pitfalls such as vague language, insufficient details, lack of clarity around outcomes, and unrealistic budgets. Make sure you comprehend what each question is asking and address this in your response. Have others review and provide feedback on your proposal before submission.
By following these fundamental points, you’ll be well on your way to writing a successful grant proposal that stands out from the rest. Remember, the key is to communicate your organisation’s mission and goals in a clear and compelling way that resonates with the funder’s priorities and demonstrates the impact of your work.
If you require any assistance or have any queries regarding the grant opportunities, please contact: