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Close the Gap Day: a greater role forAboriginal health services essential

Close the Gap Day is a day to acknowledge the critical role Aboriginal medical services and health professionals must play in turning around the significant health gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation said today. Read more

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE - Health Minister asks pharmacists to help Close the Gap

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) and the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) have welcomed the announcement of a trial to support Aboriginal health organisations to integrate pharmacists into their services. The trial was announced today by the Federal Minister for Health Greg Hunt at PSA17, PSA’s national conference. Both PSA and NACCHO thank the Minister for supporting this innovative project that will improve the h...

Garma 2019 - Pat Turner Presentation

There is a long way to go yet before we get agreement. Governments, particularly the Commonwealth, remain determined to pursuedraft targets agreed to by COAG last December whereas we want to get the focuson the reform priorities and their implementation.   Of mostconcern is that no government has so far been prepared to put new funding ont...

Milestone agreement to close the gap in Aboriginal health

Australia’s biggest Aboriginal health and public healthcare and hospitals bodies today signed a national agreement to work together on closing the gap in Aboriginal health.Under the agreement the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) and the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) will work together on policies, research, and public health campaigns to address health issues in Aboriginal communities.NACCHO represents more th...

Closing The Gap - Opinion Piece

On the floor of Parliament yesterday, the Prime Minister spoke of a change happening in our country: that there is a shared understanding that we have a shared future- Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, together. But our present is not shared. Our present, and indeed our past is marred in difference, in disparity. This striking disparity in quality of life outcomes is what began the historic journey of the Closing the Gap initiatives a decade ago.But after ten...

Joint Council makes progress towards new Closing the Gap agreement

Joint Council makes progress towards new National Agreement on Closing the Gap. A meeting of the Joint Council on Closing the Gap was held today in Adelaide, between representatives of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and a Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Bodies (Coalition of Peaks). ...

Closing The Gap 2019 - Opinion Piece by Pat Turner

On the floor of Parliament yesterday, the Prime Minister spoke of a change happening in our country: that there is a shared understanding that we have a shared future- Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, together. But our present is not shared. Our present, and indeed our past is marred in difference, in disparity. This striking disparity in quality of life outcomes is what began the historic journey of the Closing the Gap initiatives a decade ago.But after ten...

Enlisting pharmacists to help close the gap - Joint Media release

New medical research shows the potentially life-saving benefits of integrating pharmacists within Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services to improve chronic disease management. James Cook University (JCU), the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) and the National Aborig...

NACCHO CEO Speaks to 100 Women of Influence at a National Women’s Health Summit

An event hosted by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) gathered the top 100 influencers in the women’s health sector to share, discuss and dissect the most pressing challenges facing Australian women. CEO of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) Pat Turner spoke about how health reforms and policies that are not developed in consultation with Aboriginal peoples have a negative impac...

Some good news but the main challenge is closing the funding gap

The Commonwealth Budget contains some very welcome measures in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. But structural reform is what is really required and a longer-term commitment to close the funding gap is necessary if we want the health gap to improve.In Cairns this morning, Donnella Mills, the Chair of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) said, ‘The prelude to this Budget has been dominated by the mainstream and economic concerns. We un...