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Clear message to governments on #ClosingtheGap

“Participants and survey respondents were united on their support for the priority reforms, speaking with one clear voice. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities know what works for them and have charted a clear way forward for the new national agreemeIt wa...

World Mental Health Day 2020: NACCHO emphasises the support needed to Close the Mental Health Gap

Tomorrow is World Mental Health Day, and NACCHO is emphasising that the commitment in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap needs continued funding support to close the mental health gap. In Australia, the rate of suicide in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities continues to grow. NACCHO Chair Donnella Mills states, “Our people experience very high levels of trauma at nearly three times the rate of other Australians and recent statistics point out that we are twice a...

Coalition of Peaks release landmark report on community engagements shaping new National Agreement on Closing the Gap

The Coalition of Peaks today released a ground-breaking report on the 2019 community engagements with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about their views on what should be included in the new National Agreement on Closing the Gap. The report is called, ‘A report on engagements with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to inform a new National Agreement on Closing the Gap’. The Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Organisations ...

Coalition of Peaks invites community to share their voice on Closing the Gap

This week marks the start of the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations (Coalition of Peaks) led engagements with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the next phase of Closing the Gap – a national policy aimed at improving the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.   The Coalition of Peaks is working with the Council ...

Aboriginal led solutions the key to closing the health gap

Today’s Closing the Gap Report demonstrates the need to more than double the network and reach of Aboriginal controlled medical services to Close the Gap in health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. National Aboriginal and Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), CEO, Pat Turner, said despite some improvement in education outcomes, only one out of seven Closing the Gap ta...

The Joint Council to consider draft National Agreement on Closing the Gap

The Joint Council will consider the draft National Agreement on Closing the Gap today when it meets by teleconference this afternoon. This is the third meeting of the Joint Council. The draft National Agreement has been negotiated between the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations (Coalition of Peaks), all Australian governments and the Australian Local Government Association. The Lead Convener of the Coalition of Peaks, Ms Pat Turner AM, and Com...

Coalition of Peaks kick off Closing the Gap conversations in every state and territory

The Coalition of Peaks are leading face to face meetings with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities and organisations on Closing the Gap during the month of October. The meetings provide an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in each state and territory to tell the Coalition of Peaks and governments what changes are needed to improve their lives.

An end to the eye health and vision gap is within reach

Vision 2020 Australia, the peak body for the eye sector, is calling for action to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People have the same access to eye care as other Australians. The newly released Strong eyes, strong communities – A five year plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander eye health and vision, 2019-2024 sets out a plan to achieve this goal. Most vision loss can be avoided or prevented through early identification and treatment, bu...