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NACCHO CEO Pat Turner’s keynote speech at the National Reconciliation Week Virtual Breakfast 2020 presented by Reconciliation SA.

Good morning everyone, thank you for inviting me here today. My name is Pat Turner, and I am the daughter of an Arrente man and a Gurdanji woman. I am also the CEO of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), and the Lead Convener of the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Peak organisations. Before we start, I want to acknowledge the traditional custodians of all the lands that we are meeting upon today. I am speaking to yo...

Have Your Say – Closing the Gap Survey extended until 8 November 2019

The Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Peak Organisations (Coalition of Peaks) has responded to significant interest in the survey on Closing the Gap and is extending the deadline to Friday 8 November 2019. There has been overwhelming support for the survey and the Coalition of Peaks want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to tell ...

Coalition of Peaks welcomes COAG’s continued commitment to the historic Partnership Agreement and Joint Council

The Coalition of around forty Peak Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations (Coalition of Peaks) has today welcomed the formal commitment of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to the historic Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap. COAG has today officially endorsed the Partnership Agreement which sets out for the first-time shared decision making on Closing the Ga...


The peak body for Aboriginal controlled health services today welcomed the release of the AMA’s 2018 Report Card on Indigenous Health and joined its call for rebuilding the Closing the Gap from the ground up. National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) Chairperson, Ms Donnella Mills said, “We congratulate the AMA on their work to support closing the gap and endorse the recommendations in the report.” The report highlights research whi...

Coalition of Peaks hosts national stakeholders at Closing the Gap meeting in Canberra

The Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Peak Organisations (Coalition of Peaks) will today hold a face-to-face meeting on Closing the Gap with national stakeholders. Today’s meeting in Canberra is part of a series of community engagements in every state and territory and is an opportunity for representatives from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...

National Agreement on Closing the Gap vital to making change

This National Reconciliation Week, Australians are challenged to be brave and make change. Members of the Coalition of Peaks have been doing change-making work in and for their communities for more than 50 years. The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) which has a membership of 144 community-controlled health services in every jurisdiction of Australia is one of the key members of the Coalition of Peaks and strongly supports the National Agreement on Closing ...

Budget Proposals to Accelerate Closing The Gap in Indigenous Life Expectancy

A December 2017 report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) shows that the mortality gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians are widening, not narrowing. Urgent action is needed to reverse these trends to have any prospect of meeting the Council of Australian Governments’ goal to Close the Gap in life expectancy within a generation (by 2031). The following submission by the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (...

Closing the Gap, money myths and widening mortality gaps

An endorsed media article from NACCHO by Professor Ian Ring AO - 12 February 2018 Ten years on from the start of Closing the Gap, progress is mixed, limited and disappointing,  the life expectancy gap is widening and while money isn’t the only factor, money myths are playing an important role. The recent Productivity Commission Report found that per capita government spending on Aboriginal services was twice as high as for the rest of the population. The vie...

Pat Turner AM keynote address: CATSINaM National Conference 2022

Hyatt Regency, Darling Harbour, SydneyFriday 19 August 2022Good morning everyone. It’s a pleasure to be here with you today.Thank you to Michael West for a very warm Welcome to Country.I’d like to thank you for inviting me to speak at this conference which marks CATSINaM’s 25th anniversary.My name is Pat Turner. I am the CEO of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, and the Lead Convener of th...